§ 9.18.170. Stormwater Treatment Systems and BMP Inspection and Verification Responsibility. (C.3.h)  

Latest version.
  • A. The property owner(s) of Regulated Projects shall be responsible for having all stormwater management treatment systems and HM control (if any) inspected for condition and function by a knowledgeable party. The property owner shall agree in writing to properly maintain any HM control, stormwater structural control, treatment measure, and/or best management practices according to the approved plans for the project.
    B. Unless otherwise required by the City, the property owner’s stormwater treatment system or HM control (if any) inspections shall be done within 45 days of the completed installation of any control or treatment systems; and after that at least once per year in preparation for the wet season. Written records shall be kept of all inspections and shall include, at minimum, the following information:
    1. Name and address of the Regulated Project;
    2. Specific description of the location (or a map showing the location) of the installed stormwater treatment system(s) and HM control(s) (if any);
    3. Date(s) that the treatment system(s) and HM controls (if any) is/are installed;
    4. Description of the type and size of the treatment system(s) and HM control(s) (if any) installed;
    5. Responsible operator(s) of each treatment system and HM control (if any);
    6. Dates and findings of all inspections of the treatment system(s) and HM control(s) (if any); and
    7. Any problems and corrective actions taken.
    (Ord. 2088, § 1 (part), 2012; Ord. 1982, § 1 (part), 2006; Ord. 1967, § 1 (part), 2005; Ord. 1922, § 1 (part), 2003)